School Days..
Mummy would pack me to Chandrettan's Peedika(shop) to buy groceries and vegetables. Chandrettan gives a bill, so I need to reproduce it at home. Bug the Veggie guy won't. Somewhere I would adjust to get in a Rs 2 so that the 1 Kg Tomato or a 500g beans would cost 2 rupees more or 1 each :-)
And on way back from Kittettan's Shop I would get the poppins, then I would take a longer route, to finish the whole stack so that poppins is history before I reach home.
Mummy after collecting the bills and tallying would say , with a deep sigh, "Thakkalikokke Ingane Vila Koodiyaal Entha Cheyya" (What will happen if prices go high). I will rush to wash my mouth to remove the colors of poppins on my toungue.
One more stack to finish, still tastes the same.
Parle Poppins!!
Its all nostalgic. The Poppins, Uppu Soda Narangas, NarangaMuttayis, Gas Muttayis, Sip ups, Pazham Poris....
Yummy!! I am going to canteen - Whatever junk, let me eat!
too good dude ... u have revived the memories of the golden days
I still love the taste of Sipup, which used to cost 10 Paisa. Nowadays, do we get to see 10 paisa ???
Last week, I was missing the Soda, which we used to get in green bottles with blue/green 'gottis' in them. I used to wonder, how they went inside the bottle.
Good post, it took me back to Suresh Chettan's shop near Ambalam n' Karuna Chechi's shop near our school. Don't know whether still there is crowd during 11'o clock and lunch breaks.
poppins! ente orma shariyanenkil athinu oru rupaye undayirunnullu.
@abhi - Pay Well Tooo ;)
@vinod - Thanks Man
@lekshmi - Very True, Sipup was really exotic. If those shops are still there then the crowd will be there, dont worry about that. And Thanks.
@tp - ninte orma ennenkilum shariyayittundo? Athum Potte Ninakku Orma ennonnundo;) - Not sure man, the last time I bought it was 2Rs.
Oh dhanush thank you so much for the memories.. I tried to tell my kids abt poppins.. and they didn't understand. i told them the candy would come in rainbow colours.. My childhood sweets were..naranga muttai, palli muttai, kadala muttai, poppins and once in a blue moon 5 star chocolate( which obviously had to be divided in to 4 and i get a piece"kannelottu vekkan pattiya size).
Kutten used to buy me a poppins if I called him cinmatharam jayan!!!
Thank you again for making me so happy this morning
I became all the more fond of Poppins thanks to all the Mary Poppins books I read when I was a kid! The colors were so tempting, my sister and I would fight over the alluring red ones! :)
@Sarah - Infact their ad itself says about the rainbow colors. I happy to know that I made you happy this morning :-). Thanks
@Alexis - I simply love these little happinesses, and try out whenever I get time. So I still buy these things whene ever I see it or when my mind wants it. Actually me and my sis are very big fans of Coffee Bite. We used to buy Coffee Bite and Lacto King for our birthdays (in 1 Kg packets)during school days and send all the wrappers to Parry's to collect their gifts and stickers. Funny days those were. And whenever she did something for me, (like making my table neat) she will ask for some amount of coffee bite. Even now when I want to press my clothes at home, I offer her Coffee Bites.
@poornima - Thanks for dropping by. Mary Poppins Books !! I have heard those some where.
Alexis: it is so hard to give my kids, the little joys of my childhood..I needed to be creative to make them understand that, those candies gave so much happiness than the hand made belgium chocolates they eat...
How I used to cherish poppins, opening the silver paper and peeing to see what is the first candy's colur, hoping to get more red ones, so my tongue would be red..
Dhanush I really jumped and said yippee when I saw your pic.. Didn't know poppins is still available in India..thought the technological advance wiped away most of my childhood treassures.. Do you still get naranga and palli muttai?
@Sarah - Not in Bangalore, atleast I dont know the places. Back home its always available. May be the it some smaller shops, but its still available.
Alamak..my english spelling!!!! peering morphed in to .....
BTW. tomorrow's blog is dedicated to you..for reminding me abt poppins.
@Sarah - Wow, Thanks!! Jeevitham Dhanyamaayi :-)
Dhanush, Adding my favorites ..naranga satthu (you may call naranga muttai) and panjara muttai ( a red one with a lot of sugers).whenever we get a 50 paisa we rush to nallumoola(junction) to buy these this. just 50 paisa for 5 !!! Now we can not even dream to get something for 50 paisa.
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