“So what? Why should there be violence if he is dead.” Quipped an innocent me.
A little later a mail from admin read ….
Dr. Rajkumar, the kannada movie star has died just now of a cardiac arrest. People staying in far off places or in sensitive areas can leave office for their houses. Pls make your checks about possible violence around the city before you start from office.
This instruction is as approved by the MD
Take care & Regards,
Then I knew the situation was not as I thought. I called up the travels people and they said as of then there wasn’t any problem but asked me to confirm before I board the bus. As people started leaving the office, I got a bit tensed and I too started to leave. Starting the bike I decided to take the same route which I take daily. At the
I called up Abhi, Kich, and PP and asked about other possible routes. It was Abhi who suggested about Island Express leaving
When I called them up at 8 there was no response. In the mean time I called up my home and told the situation. Achan was worried and said, not to come. But I wanted to go, it has been 2 years since I saw a Vishu Kani. I definitely wanted to go, some way. I had a strange idea of driving down in the bike, if nothing happened.
I decided to take a chance on the Island Express. So I consulted Abhi again, and thanks to his Company Bulletin Board, he adviced me to go to KR Puram station and not to Majestic or Cantontment. Reaching KR Puram was the next problem, as it was a bit far from my place. And there too help was at hand. I called up Kich and he was at his brother’s place and he said the KR Puram station was on his way back home and he promised to drop me there.
So I reach Kichan’s brother’s house after travellingaround 20 kms in bike. Had a quick dinner from there and left with Kich and Seena for the station. While we approached the station Seena told me that she saw a huge rush in the entry. Kich and me didn’t believe it first, but as I crossed the over bridge and went to the ticket counter the scene out there was extremely horrible. A long queue which had no end. For a few moments I kept on searching the end of the queue. Twice I thought over should I call it quits. But going back to my abode will be suicidal, no food for the next day as bandh was already declared and no Vishu. I was not ready to loose my Vishu.
And after some good encouragements from Seena and my home, I decided to give it a try and as the seconds ticked by. I decided. Come what may, I am going to get into this train at any cost.
There is god up above there. I am sure. Otherwise an ever so late and slow responding railway wouldn’t have started another ticket counter and that too near to the position where I stood. He was decided to pack me up from
The Platform was crowded and as the train rolled in I caught in a TTE and asked if there are some birth available. He asked “Are you Nuts? Go and get into the general compartment”. I went to the General Compartment. My first thought was How am I getting into it.. I walked through sides of that compartment and there was heat emitting from each window, heat of humans who were held onto each coupe in those steel structures. I knew my entry into it wont be possible and was not sure if I would reach there alive. Such was the public inflow.
I jump into the reservation comp with a general ticket, and found many a people there in the same condition. I made friends with some of them and moved from compartment to compartment as the TTE and Police approached. I also met 2 girls who were sleeping on the upper births when I got in, but came ruinning with us to escape the TTE’s as they possessed NO TICKET. (Who Said Pen Budhi is Pin Budhi??) We wanted the train to reach Banderpet as soon as possible as after that the next station is Salem and then its Tamilnadu and we are safe. And as the train left Banderpet I got some space to sit down and sleep near the vestibule besides the bathrooms near the doors. There was cold wind coming in through the doors which felt like ice on that hot night but the stench from the bathroom was enough to give me nightmarish wakeups time and again. At
Our TTE again came like humiliated villain wanting to have his revenge on the innocent souls, but this time with the other TTE, because that compartment was his. Again gave us the ultimatum – “The train will be stopping at Erode fro 15minutes. All should get down and catch the next train from there.” Erode was an hour away from now and we thought we could replicate the same trick which we did earlier. But as we approached Erode both of them came in from each side of the compartment and started pulling people out, there were people sleeping and sitting everywhere, none of them was spared. I hadn’t any option other than to get out of the compartment, I tried boarding the next compartment, but there too TTE was present. At
Half an hour later Kerala Express ran in and I got into the general comp this time with not-so-easy-but-not-so-tough push and pull. As I got in I had to hold my bag on my one hand for another 2 hours till some space was generated at
I got a
Next Day I saw Vishu Kani for the first time in 2 Years.
Looking back, I think all my hardships were worth it. Being with the family, playing around with my cousins, having a sumptuous sadya , giving away kaineetams and all the things I did on that auspicious day. Some things are just like that in life. No matter what is it in front of u, what ever is the stumbling block ahead of you, if you have that will to reach there then destiny will take you there.
And at this time I thank you guys – Abhi, PP, Kich and Seena – who made me attain that or rather helped destiny ;)
Happy Easter and Vishu.
Good to know your prioriites are right :-)
btw i beleive im younger to u. kaineettam plz.
@alexis - Yes, definitely I had a great Vishu
@kich - Didn't you celebrate a birthday earlier in the year? My birthday comes after that. So there is no question of me being elder among us;). But then there is Mamioos who should give Kaineettam to all of us ;)
hell. lucky you . at times life can be so fragile ...
Nice to know that all your efforts were worth.Being with your family on Vishu is the most precious kaineettam, you can ever get. In the last 3 years, I got to visit Kerala only once. When I could see the 'Marathakappattuduppu',I literally ran out of my compartment to the train door to breath the same air, which gave me the first breath.
@ajay - Yea I am lucky:)
@lekshmi - I used to do that when I was in Pune and when the Kurla Express Enter Kasargode , It would be morning. Bright Green welcoming you with rising sun is a beautifull picture, you never forget.
Too good da. Its that thrill that made your Vishu even better - It will make it stay in memories longer.
And yes - I used to smell the air in Palakkad exactly the same way at early morning, usually by around 3.30 am - when I sit near the KPN driver's seat chatting with him. I could never sleep after midnight, just to smell the fresh air in our Keralam!
Good to know that you were able to see Vishukani with your family after going through so much trouble. Hope you have a wonderful year ahead.
hard experience....you might had never enjoyed Vishu like this time?
@pophabhi - Exactly Da.
@suji - Thanks
@Tp- Hard Experience, But definitely worht it dude. Ninte Italian Vishu Enganeyundaayirunnu ?
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